A global initiative to explore the effects of Covid19 on manufacturing and how the sector can be a positive driver for post-pandemic recovery
The Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond Covid-19 project was organized by the World Manufacturing Foundation. The initiative brought together 13 focus groups involving over 160 experts from more than thirty countries to discuss how manufacturing is impacted by the ongoing pandemic and what could be key recommendations to be implemented to help the sector take on the various challenges it is facing. Each focus group analysed a specific topic centred on one of four main themes: People, Policy, Preparedness, and Productivity.
Thanks to this collaboration, the World Manufacturing Foundation has outlined a set of Key Findings that should be considered to make the manufacturing sector more resilient in the New Normal.
Seven members of the YML network were involved in 3 Focus Groups. Specifically:
- Industrial Smart Working
- Women in Manufacturing
- Skills and Mindset of Employees
Some of these YMLs had the chance to share their experience during the YML Main Event – Opening Session held on 10th November 2020 in the framework of the 2020 World Manufacturing Week organized by the World Manufacturing Foundation.