Grenoble city hub
The Grenoble City Hub is hosted by Grenoble INP – Génie industriel, that is one of the eight engineering and management graduate schools of Grenoble INP, the engineering institute of UGA (Université Grenoble Alpes).
Grenoble INP – Génie industriel trains industrial performance engineers capable of managing the entire industrial cycle: from the conception and design of the product to industrialization, distribution, and recycling.
The Grenoble City Hub is supporting the YML community starting from the school that emphasizes the skills / competencies necessary for the industry’s transition towards environmental and sustainable societal development.
By providing cutting-edge knowledge on industrial organization, sustainable innovation, modeling, optimization, and simulation of production systems, the school fosters interdisciplinarity by combining engineering sciences with human and social sciences (economics, sociology, management) in its training cycle.
Located in the capital of the French Alps, Grenoble INP is a founding member of the Grenoble Ecosystem, which has evolved around three core pillars: education, research, and transfer.

Join us! Together we can grow as professionals. Let’s make this YML network an important stakeholder in the sector!
46 avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex 1 – France
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